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Monday 13th June 2016
W Bro Walter Emery receives award for 65 years service to the Craft!
On Tuesday 7th June 2016 the Brethren of St David's Lodge and many visitors gathered to celebrate W Bro Walter Emery's 65 years as a Freemason. They were joined by the Provincial Grand Master, the Right W Bro J. J. Craigs, who presented Walter with a certificate to commemorate the occasion.
Walter joined St David's Lodge on 5th June 1951. During his 65 years in St David's he has held many offices. He was Master in 1964. Walter has acted as Director of Ceremonies since 1994.
In all his time as a Mason, Walter has only missed 8 Craft meetings! A fantastic achievement.
Congratulations Walter from the Brethren of St David's.

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