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What is Freemasonry?


Freemasonry, (or Craft Freemasonry), is one of the oldest non-religious fraternal societies in the world. Its purpose is to encourage men to live better lives.


There are three main principles in Freemasonry which Freemasons attempt to follow in order to achieve higher standards in their lives.

These are:


  • Brotherly Love – to be tolerant of and have respect for the opinions of others and to be kind and show understanding towards others.

  • Relief – Freemasonry works hard to raise funds for charitable causes, not only within Freemasonry but in the wider community.

  • Truth – High moral standards are demanded.


There are certain conditions of membership of Freemasonry. You must;


  • believe in a Supreme Being,

  • be 21 years of age,

  • refrain from discussing politics or religion  on Masonic occasions,

  • profess allegiance to the Sovereign of your country and all that the Sovereign represents,

  • be prepared to take an oath to preserve the private aspects of Freemasonry,

  • strictly observe the Laws, regulations and constitutions of Freemasonry,

  • be of good character,

  • have the full support of your partner and family.



When joining Freemasonry, a man must take part in three different rituals. Each of these rituals are known as degrees. There has to be 28 days between each degree.  The messages of the degrees are briefly:

First Degree -  The candidate is admitted as an 'Entered Apprentice'  In this degree the candidate  learns about man's natural equality and dependence on others and his civil and moral duties.

Second Degree - The candidate becomes a 'Fellow Craft' which deals with ‘Nature and science’ and the rewards of labour.


Third Degree - The candidate becomes a 'Master Mason'; this Degree considers fidelity, duty to others and contemplation of inevitable death.

Offices and Ranks

Some time after you have completed your Third degree you may be invited, or wish to take an office in the Lodge.  This involves taking an active role in the ceremonies and rituals of the Lodge. Officers  progress through the offices until the office of Master of the Lodge is attained.

For more information please contact St David's Lodge via the Contacts page.

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